USP: Ruffles' distinctive structural ridges are designed to hold up to the thickest and heaviest of dips.

Strategy: Demonstrate the strength of Ruffles chips in a humorous way to illustrate not only the strength of the chip but the fun of eating Ruffles. The anthropomorphic nature of illustration is edgy and fun while literally showing the exaggerated ability of the chip to hold up to any dip. Encourage buyers to try Ruffles with the line of dips, also produced by Frito-Lay.

This campaign includes print advertisements that are displayed in multiple mediums - magazine, city billboards, etc. As well as, in a banner form in local grocery stores, next to the Ruffles and dip section. A link is displayed under all advertisement headlines to further incline customers to purchase Ruffles with a coupon.

Furthermore, the Ruffles icon in the print advertisements is brought to life, with Macho Munch. Macho Munch is the official life-sized mascot of Ruffles, demonstrating the physical strength of the chip. Macho Munch hands out Ruffles chip and dip samples at local grocery stores, for customers to experience first-hand how Ruffles chips hold up against even the heaviest dips.